Amy Perrey's Blog

Final Project
November 30, 2009, 11:53 pm
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O.k I looked at my Wiki today and I have no idea what I was thinking. I’m totally not done, I have to finish up some pages and add some information. I worked on it today to clean things up, but every time I add a picture or draw a line. I go and preview it….it looks different. That drove me crazy for awhile. I figured it out and started to add some pictures. Going to attempt to add my video again. I did take out the page for additional lessons, but thinking I should add that back in. I want to pass it around for others to add different film assignments they have created. Thoughts?

Final Project
November 28, 2009, 11:17 pm
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Was working on my Final Project today. I left behind the wiki for a bit because I think that I’m almost done expect for clean up and any last-minute details. I still want to add the students video from last year that goes with the student work handout. But my computer seems to take forever and never uploads. I think that it could be because it is too big, but I’m really not sure how to change the size. Any ideas? I still would like to take off the ads and I appreciate peoples suggestions, I just can’t seem to figure it out.

Final Project – working on Smartboard aspect – Got a few things going that make learning film terms and definitions a little interesting, Thinking it might be for middle years. I added most of the links that are on my wiki but I think they are good sites. I used some of them before. I’m familiar with the Smartboard but still not sure how to make it completely interactive. I made a hide and reveal, getting the students to move around people and camera (this is for talking about camera angles and lighting positions). Overall I have learned that it is very time-consuming but also very fun. I started to play around with it and lost track of time. I got pretty familiar with things that I even go to help someone out at work. We are in the process of creating a world drumming unit with the Smartboard. So working on that is helping with this project as well. But that goes with anything you do. The more you play with something….the better you get….the more you play with someting…..the more you remember!

Started to work on my final project for my blog, I wanted to reflect creating a short video or slide show. I used the websites and things we have taken from the class to create a slideshow. Some of the sites I played around. I used imovie 09 and did some research on youtube, to find out how to work with images and slide timing. I realized that sometimes before you go and play around you should check out youtube, because a 12-year-old created a video about using imovie and he showed me exactly what to do. If I would have started at that site I would have saved myself sometime. The bonus is that I  learned even more about imovie 09!

PS – I had to work hard today because I’m heading out-of-town next weekend for a girls trip with my sisters and my mom and know that nothing will get accomplished next weekend! I can’t belive that class is almost done! Go Riders!

November 24th Reflection
November 25, 2009, 2:31 am
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tonight’s guest Speaker was Stephen Downes.







Picture located @ icanhascheezeburger

LOLcats is the future to ED? What is a LOLcats…..I had no idea. But it is when there is a picture of a cat and combine it with some context from some kind of inspiration.  Things I learned:

– Spelling doesn’t count, classical spelling mistakes

– different languages may get the same message based on the picture

In new media there are different kinds of languages. We can understand these languages and how they work. How? Well I think you have to study all these different language and understand them….but as discussed tonight we have to “study of sign processes”….What?

We need to take time and teach students to learn the different languages. Wow….we sure need to learn a lot to keep up with these students. We have so many different sites, networking, social media and now different languages. AND keep in mind it is always changing and we will have to learn all these things all over again because it will be something different…..

Some Sites that were given:

Cartoons – xkcd

Tourist Guy 1 –


People playing chess on rollercoster


Reflection from November 17th
November 18, 2009, 2:23 am
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Tonight we had two speakers Brian Lamb and Scott Leslie talking about Remixing Education.

Few notes from the night. (I like to keep these notes as future reference)

* Actually it was a lot going on…..I need to sit back and review all the information that was given to us. Lot’s of sites to play around with and learn. I would have to see what would work best for which classes and what grades. Has anyone used any of these  tools? I will have to read around on the  blogs and see what others reflection from the night was like.

I’m not sure what application I’m going to try and see how it works. We should split them up and try one and report back. 🙂

final project Update
November 17, 2009, 1:14 am
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Well I have been slowly working away today on my Wiki again. I was linking some websites, adding information and pictures. I do get a little frusturated when I want it to look a particular way and it doesn’t seem to stay or work.  I do have a few questions if someone could help me.

1. When I use a picture from flickr – i have been typing the name of the picture and the name of the person. or I have been typing the description and linking to the site. What is protocol for using others pictures?

2. I created a page today for helpful websites: I have never created a wiki before, so if i would like others to add to the wiki can they just do so or do I have to give others permission?

More Reflection on Understanding Social Media
November 16, 2009, 10:30 pm
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An illustration for the Kyan blog… 


“What are the new media literacies, and how should teachers and/or schools address these?”.

Well just like your mom and dad taught you manners we need to teach our students about media literacies. It is a part of everyday life, we interact with technology everyday. Students are not just watching and reading what is on the internet they are creating too! This video The New Media Literacies discuss what kind of skills we need to look at.

1. Judgement – we need to talk to students about this, making the right discussions when creating and looking at different technology medias.

2. Negotiation – teaching students to pick the social network groups that work best for them to improve as a learner or to gain further research on a topic.

3. Appropriation – teaching students, what is the right website to look at and what websites might not gives us the right information

4. Play – the best one to learn! this is how to figure out how a site could work. We as teachers can show the basics and let students start the play or learning. 🙂


and so on and so on….there are so many different skills… again I would like to say…Do we need to teach a class? Should this be a mandatory class you take?


Reflection from November 10th 2009
November 16, 2009, 10:05 pm
Filed under: ECI 831, Uncategorized | Tags:

Social Media

Wow tonight was a very powerful discussion, there is a lot of information to think about and to pass on to our students and teachers at our schools.

One question that was posed tonight is “Should we filter content?”,

I think that there has to be a filter of information because the world-wide web is so big and contains so much information, I feel that we have to protect our younger generation until we can educate them to fully understand what is available out there. elementary students from K-4, I don’t think fully understand the offensive content that is out there. I think this is still a hard question to answer, as I don’t have all the answers, at what age to do we trust the students? Is it up to the parents to allow for full content? We as teachers need to educate the students as to what kind of media is out there, once we do this can students have full access to the internet? I know through our system we have a proxy, but at times it will block more than the teachers want. Some times there are things the students need to see. Art history is a good example, some of the art is blocked but isn’t it educational?

If we teach the students how to do proper searches, show students that there are real sites and sites that are not real, this can give them a better understanding of social media. I think we have to teach students…just like Alec taught us tonight. We should start in elementary school and have a social media class to inform the students. We as educators need to pass this information on to the teachers that don’t know. We can share information at staff meetings or do a classroom switch with other  teachers.

November 16, 2009, 9:54 pm
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Well I guss it isn’t a read but something to watch from the TED website.  It is very interesting discussion on How the Internet enables Intimacy . I think that with all the advances in technology it does make it easier to talk to one another, we can send a text, email or place a call at anytime. I love the story about the family that lives in another country and will hook up the webcam at supper and sit down and have supper with their family. How wonderful is this! I think about how great it is to be able to talk to family at anytime, but it is true we are not suppose to do so at work or school. Do you think we should give students time in the day to talk to family? To send an email or texted to loved ones? or do you think it would be all about chit chat and gossip? how do we control these but still allow for time to have better relationships?

Sharing some readings
November 10, 2009, 2:56 am
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2398424227_7e178bc2f7Computer Technology Reading – by deanj’s

Well I have had a few sites and readings that I wanted to share with you so here goes:

Promoting Technology use in the Classroom – this quick little video just reinforces why all teachers should take this class (to learn more) and why all teachers should be teaching more technology in the classroom. We as teachers have to keep learning and keep up with this fast paced internet world, but we have to do it to help the students. We have to be the ones to teach them and encourage them, so they can create in this world.

Pope and Technology

Know you know technology is VERY important to teach when the Pope is encouraging it.  The Pope is encouraging us to use new media technology to evangelize people.  This is perfect! If there could be a calling that said technology is important and we need to share this with the students we teach….and here it is.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity– this video is about creativity and how important the art education is, there isn’t much talk about technology but I think that it worth the watch. It is important that with anything we teach- we make sure the students have their own creative touch. That they are allowed to make mistakes, and to be wrong. This is the only way they can learn and this is how their creativity can expand. Ken Robinson is very funny and talks about how there is not one educational system that teaches dance as much as they teach Math. Both are very important to the students learning process. But why is one more important than the other? Everyone dances and everyone needs math. We think in so many different ways and when we do this it allows for use to think and see more creativity.